Bucket lists

Northern lights in Norway

I love the optimism and ritual of planning for the new year in December.

This week, I’ve been setting some Rich Life goals ala Ramit Sethi. I was so surprised doing the bucket list exercise.

Ramit recommends doing a mind dump of 15 things on your bucket list — anything from things you want to buy, dream trips, events, people you want to meet. 

No filter, nothing is too ridiculous.

Here’s what I have so far:

  1. 1 month trip to Japan, with a 5 day stay at the Aman Kyoto

  2. Fly first class to Japan

  3. 40th birthday party with a fancy dinner that’s all paid for

  4. Cartier Louis tank watch, brand new

  5. Bespoke Anderson and Sheppard suit

  6. Stand alone art/work studio

  7. See the northern lights with Sheena

  8. Take the Orient Express around Europe

  9. Swim with dolphins or whales

  10. Get a large snake tattoo

  11. A larger apartment with a home office

  12. ??

  13. ??

  14. ??

  15. ??

A few things stood out to me

  1. I don’t need a lot of traveling - I’m happy with one big trip every 1-2 years.

  2. Food is not huge on my list right now - I enjoy trying out hole in the wall places and Michelin star lists. But with health being a bit focus of mine in 2023, it’s not a priority for me right now.

  3. Experiences and things are kind of equal - This is one area that’s remained pretty consistent.

This exercise encourages you to get specific, not just with the bucket list, but also to identify which items excite you the most. 

It also encourages you to do the numbers. In doing so, you’ll find that most things are more attainable than you think. 

Let’s take a look at my list again, now with some prices I found after doing a bit of Googling:

  1. 1 month trip to Japan - ~$8k-$10k depending on how much shopping I do. (With a 5 day stay at the Aman Kyoto) +$5800

  2. Fly first class to Japan - Nearly free with points

  3. 40th birthday party with a fancy dinner that’s all paid for - $3,000

  4. Cartier Louis tank watch, brand new - $10,600

  5. Bespoke Anderson and Sheppard suit - Starts at ~$6k

  6. Stand alone art/work studio - $2-4k/month

  7. See the northern lights with Sheena - 

  8. Take the Orient Express around Europe - ~$15k

  9. Swim with dolphins or whales - 

  10. Get a large snake tattoo - $4k+

  11. A larger apartment with a home office - $5-8k/month depending on whether or not I stay in NYC

These items aren’t the cheapest, but I certainly don’t need to be a millionaire to check things off my bucket list. I mean, I spent more on Door Dash and Ubers some months this year than what some of these items cost.

Take an hour today and try out the exercise. You might be surprised how attainable your bucket list is.


Handwriting porn


Do something nice and don’t get caught