
After 3 years with my iPhone 12, I finally upgraded to an iPhone 15.

Partially because I wanted a camera upgrade to shoot videos, partially because my iPhone’s battery deteriorated to a max of just under 80%.

It reminded me of what I often experience with my work.

Every few years, I completely burnout.

All the symptoms — disassociation, procrastination, cynicisms.

It’s as if my work is an app that slowly chips away at the batteries capacity.

It’s now deteriorated to under 80%.

And I’ve left my charger at home.

I can still technically do the work, but I’m completely drained before the days end and shut down.

I’m hyper aware of my fast draining battery now.

I’m now procrastinating my work in an attempt to conserve power and make it through the day.

I’m annoyed and resentful at how much battery my “work app” needs.

I spend all day looking forward to getting home to recharge.

All the advice I read says to take breaks, do things that you used to enjoy. But that advice is temporary.

Like the work, the things I enjoy (my hobbies, hanging out with friends, exercising) also use up battery power.

The solution requires two things: a fresh battery, and a new app that doesn’t damage the new batteries' capacity.


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