Shaped by the algorithm

I started using to read blogs, and it’s giving me so many great memories of late web 1.0/early web 2.0.

Right now I’m mostly reading personal blogs, like those by Austin Kleon and Derek Sivers. Both have very early web 2.0 vibes to them — personal, covering a wide range of topics, without any regard to SEO.

“Shaped by the algorithm” is a term used to describe the sameness we see with a lot of content on the web and social media these days.

A type of content gets a lot of views, likes, and clicks.

Algorithms recognize this and promote it.

More people see it and decide to create similar content because it gets more views, likes, and clicks. (This concept is also why Marvel movies all look and feel the same.)

This sucks for creativity and discovery.

For creators, I think it’s a good time to start thinking/living/creating outside of algorithms.


Sometimes tools matter


Easy mode