Short-term easy is long-term hard

I love this quote from Farnam Street.

“Short-term easy is long-term hard. Short-term hard is long-term easy.

We’d rather do the easy thing than the hard thing. That's natural and normal. I call this the mountain. You can climb it, or you can avoid it, but it's not going away.

On any given day, we can avoid the climb. We can stand at the bottom, look up, and say, "I'll wait. Hopefully, the mountain isn't here tomorrow." But we all know the mountain is still there tomorrow. And instead of looking smaller, it's even larger.

The easy path today makes a hard path tomorrow. The hard path today makes an easier path tomorrow.

The choice is yours, but the mountain isn't going away.

The longer you put off the hard thing you know you need to do, the harder it becomes to get started.”




For Phil