Style rules for 2023

  1. Commit to more signatures - A drink. A cologne. An outfit. A haircut. Fewer decisions to make. Signals confidence in your taste. (Renegotiate them every few years.)

  2. Never buy anything on sale you wouldn't buy full price - It's on sale for a reason.

  3. Always pay more for - Cashmere, leather jackets, dress shoes.

  4. Never spend more than $100 for - T-shirts, haircuts, AlBirds.

  5. Your clothes don't need so much stretch - 1% stretch, max. They're cotton jeans, not a Spiderman suit.

  6. The right fit will solve 90% of your style problems - Your tailor is your style wingman. Tip them well.

  7. Don't be so precious with your clothes - At the end of the day, where you go in your shoes matter more than how new they look.

  8. Spray more cologne on your clothes than your neck - Not only will you smell good, but so will everything in your closet and dresser.

  9. Get ONE proper suit - Especially if you have "no place to wear one." Wide lapels, nipped waist, high rise trousers - tailored to your body. Make it a dark one (navy, gray, or my personal favorite, black) so you can also wear it in the evening. You'll be surprised how many occasions you'll find to wear it when you can't use " don't have a suit" as an excuse.

  10. Embrace it - You're not overdressed, everyone else is under. Don't be embarrassed that you like to make an effort.

Boy, people do love lists.

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Things I want to learn


2023 WotY: Health