2023 WotY: Health

Rather than making resolutions, I pick a word of the year.

The power of a word versus a specific resolution is that I can use it as a lens to view everything with.

For example, my word for 2022 was "Calm." It manifested in so many ways:

  • I stopped waking up to alarms. To get up early, I had to go to bed earlier. It's improved my sleep quality, and my mornings are calmer and more enjoyable because I'm not jarred awake.

  • Set better boundaries with clients. I don't answer requests before 10am or after 6pm. Most things aren't emergencies, so I'm fine if I get back to my clients later. It's made my work much calmer.

  • “How would the calm version of me handle this?” No matter what it is - rude person, late train, annoying weather - this simple mantra helped me keep my cool.

Sheena and I are going with the same word for 2023: Health

We’ve both been suffering from chronic pain the past year and realized how much it’s affected our quality of life.

Like with calm, I love this word because it can apply to so many things beyond our physical health.

Here’s a rough list of things I want to work on through my health lens.

Physical health:

  • Finally improve my stiff neck

  • Routine check-ups — including my hormones and cancer screenings

  • Daily exercise to get in better shape, improve my joints/back, and reduce my snoring

  • Weekly massages/recovery work

Mental health

  • Continue the work with my therapist

  • Eliminating the “need” for social media as much as I can


  • Doing more check-ins with Sheena

  • Scheduling more screen free date nights

Friends & Family

  • Setting healthy boundaries with people that can be toxic

  • Building stronger, new friend groups


  • Create a savings fund purely for health (trainers, check-ups, massages)

  • Double down on eliminating all of our household debt

  • Automating my finances ala Ramit and building our wealth


  • Getting help and outsourcing work to buy back my time

  • Improving schedule so I’m not always “on”

  • Taking 2-3 months off out of the year, work free


  • Carving out consistent time for my drawing

These lists are just floating through my head. What’s great about choosing a word over a resolution is, like with my “What would the calm version of me do?”, I can ask myself “What can I do to make this healthier for me?”


Style rules for 2023


First footing