Bad luck

My wife and I have been obsessed with Yellowstone. In an episode, the cowboy’s screamed at a newbie who place his hat on a bed. Apparently it’s bad luck!

“Two theories behind this hat myth.

The first began with old beliefs that evil spirits live in your hair!

This foolish belief was likely fueled from the static electricity that would discharge in the air when taking a hat off in a warm, dry environment. So goes the superstition, don't lay your hat where you're going to lay your head because evil spirits spill out from your hat.

The second is tied into the belief of morbid angles.

Leaving a hat on a bed might suggest somebody has died. Historically, during some funerals a hat was placed over the closed portion of the casket near the feet of the deceased.

A hat placed on a bed is said to have the same connotation of the casket which was said to evoke their spirits.”


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